Seção: Preparing for the Course (29 July-2 August) | RA-I Meteorological Satellite Applications course on Identifying African Weather Systems & Features in Satellite Imagery (E-SAC XVII 2019) | EUMETSAT

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Preparing for the Course (29 July-2 August)

  • Preparing for the Course (29 July-2 August)

    Welcome to the course!

    During this preparation week, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the course (make sure you read the Course guide), get to know your course instructors and fellow participants (using the Course Forum). Take the Pre-course quiz in order to unlock the course content. If you need help with Moodle, see Guidance for Moodle users. Your instructors this week are Scholastic & Joseph.

    • This guide includes important information about the course objectives, schedule, assessment, communication approach, evaluation, instructors list and more. Make sure you read this carefully before starting the course. Downloadable version available here.

    • Please note that you can take the quiz twice, but your first attempt will be recorded. While the quiz is graded, the score will not influence your chances of successfully completing the course.